

By buying my commissions, you automatically agree to my TOS! Please read my full TOS before ordering!

A. Bust

- $5 USD Sketch
- $10 USD Line Art
- $15 USD Flat Color
- $30 USD Fully Shaded

B. Halfbody

- $5 USD Sketch
- $15 USD Line Art
- $20 USD Flat Color
- $40 USD Fully Shaded

C. Fullbody

- $5 USD Sketch
- $20 USD Line Art
- $25 USD Flat Color
- $50 USD Fully Shaded


+50% base price per extra character
+$5-10 USD for extra detailing
Currently not offering complex/painted backgrounds for commissions. All commissions come with simple graphic backgrounds.

Other Commission Offers

★Carter Brained★
~$20-30 USD
+$10 USD per extra character
“This is an option I thought up
with previous commissioners in mind!
They weren’t sure what they wanted,
just had a general idea! Just give me a
character reference and some inspiration
like color palettes, clothes, themes, mood
boards, etc! I will produce something
loose like these examples! (These are
not meant to be super polished!)

★Simple Reference Sheet★
~$30-50 USD
+50% base price if back view is added
+$5-10 USD for extra detailing
“A super basic ref sheet
with no frills! This option is
only for commissioners who
have sketches and color
palettes available for me to
use to draw their reference


About me!

SansUndertall (Carter)
22 y/o (April 17, 2000)
Trans! He/They
Gray asexual - Demisexual - Panromantic
Schizoaffective - Bipolar - Autistic

Mainly in the Undertale fandom, but here are some other things I enjoy!:

- How to Train Your Dragon
- Portal
- Jurassic World

Things I like and might post:

- Sanscest
- OCs
- Fics
- AUs
- NSFW (18+)

Things that can be squicks for me that I may still like or post:

- Fontcest
- Non-con
- Dub-con
- Oviposition
- “Hardcore” Fetishes
- Fictional Pregnancy

Things I either hate or don’t enjoy 75% of the time (I will block or mute most of these):

- Minors in NSFW / Shota / Loli
- Zoophilia
- General shitty person criteria (TERF, racist, etc.)
- Anti-Shipping (Why are you even here? Leave!)

Some facts about me:

- My digital art style is heavily based off my experience with traditional art! I was a mixed-media artist for a long time!
- I have 5 cats! Their names are Bonkers, Princess Larry, Shade, Pippin, and deep inhale Itty Bitty Teeny Weeny the Badass Kitty that Rose from the Flames!
- I created and own an AU called Bloomtale! It is not popular and was not created to be. Bloomtale is a personal project I use to cope with past trauma!

(Terms of Service)

By ordering a commission from me, you automatically agree to these terms! Please read my TOS in full before ordering!- I can refuse any commission for any reason.
- I will keep in contact with you during the creation process of the commission to help ensure it is what you wanted.
- I will only do 3 MAJOR changes to a drawing before I will start to charge a $3 fee for each major change. Minor tweaks are free of charge.
- I do not accept due dates for commissions. Commissions are completed on my own time. But, are completed as quickly as possible. I will purposefully only open commission slots when I have free time to complete them. If a commission is not completed within 5 months, I will fully refund you.
- Art that is commissioned from me is not to be used for commercial purposes.
- I will ask permission to post your commission and tag you as the commissioner. You can choose for the commission to be posted anonymously. I also have no problem with not posting the commission at all!
- I am not responsible for seeking permission to draw a character. It is the buyer’s responsibility to seek permission for me to draw a character they do not own. If your character was drawn without your permission, please contact me and I will take note of it as well as delete any posts containing the character.
- When you are commissioning me, I will only draw in my own style. I will not draw a commission in another artist’s style.
- I require communication from the buyer during the drawing process to ensure that the drawing is correct. I will not move on to further steps in a drawing until the previous step has been approved.
- I require reference of the characters you wish me to draw, even if they are popular characters. If you do not have a reference page, a fully colored drawing of the character is okay. But, I may require extra communication from the buyer.

Payment / Refund

I require payment in full before beginning a commission. I only accept payment through Ko-Fi or PayPal. I do not accept alternative payments.I will not refund a commission once it is completed. If you cancel the commission after I have already begun work, I will only partially refund. I will only refund what I have not completed (EX. If you buy a flat colored commission, but cancel after the line art is completed, I will only refund the color. I will not refund the already completed line art.)If for some reason I am unable to complete your commission and I cancel the order myself, I will refund you in full.

NSFW (18+) Orders

If you order an NSFW (18+) commission, I will require proof of age via photo ID. You will need to send a photo of yourself holding the ID and a passcode I provide as well as a close up photo of the ID and passcode. All information on the card in the photos is to be blocked out aside from your birthdate and ID photo. The photos in the chat used for this may be deleted after I confirm your age.I will refuse to draw the following:
- Minors in NSFW, even as a background character.
- Scat/Poop
- Noncon/Rape
- Vore
- Zoophilia
I have the right to refuse a commission if it makes me uncomfortable for any reason. I can refuse a commission even for things that are not listed. Details of the commission must be discussed in full before payment.

Things I will not draw:

- Complex Mechs/Robots
- Extreme Gore
- Complex Armor
- Real Life People
- Political Stuff
- Realistic Animals
- Suicide/Self Harm (I will only draw healed scars)

Things I Will Draw:

- Furries
- Fictional Incest
- Oviposition
- Dubcon